The Fosdick Nelson Gallery will be holding a gallery talk with Xiaowen Chen, curator of the current exhibition Open Press: Contemporary Chinese Prints. This exhibition features contemporary Chinese artists actively working in the field of printmaking. Participating artists include: Chen Haiyan, Chi Peng, Fan Min, Guo Jun, Huang Yian, Jiang Lu, Kang Jianfei, Li Yuzhi, Li Jun, Su Xinping, Xiang Jing, Xu Bing, Yang Hongwei, Yang Feng, Zhang Yifan.
Peer Bode and Xiaowen Chen speaking with Luxun Academy of
Fine Art Students at Joseph Scheer’s Studio.
Laser Zine Project - Artists Multiples
Joseph Scheer
Artist Multiples Class, the Laser Zine Project, Laser cut Woodblocks, each student holding
their finish book. Joseph Scheer, 2013
Grad Presentations
All the new grads presented their work this week. the pic above is of David Palacios who comes to us from Ecuador.
Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing China, Graduate students visit Alfred
They produced laser cut woodcuts in the print shop.
Crit of prints using the scanner as drawwing tool
Digital Print Media Fall 2013
EIA Grads Visit Joseph Scheer's studio
Joseph Scheer introducing his work
Joseph Scheer describing his scanning process
EIA listening to Joseph Scheer
Gerar Edizel talking with Barbara Latanzi
Opening of OPEN PRESS
Fosdick Nelson Gallery
Curated by: Xiaowen Chen
This exhibition features contemporary Chinese artists actively working in the field of printmaking. Participating artists include: Chen Haiyan, Chen Qi, Chi Peng, Fan Min, Huang Yian, Jiang Lu, Kang Jianfei, Kong Guoqiao, Li Fan, Li Yuzhi, Xiang Jing, Xu Bing, Yang Feng, Zhang Ye and Zhang Yifan