
Print Media

Digital Large Format Printing Facility
IRIS 3047G drum printer  46×34″ 
Agfa Avantra 25S 3600dpi imagesetter 18x25” with stocastic screening
3 - Epson Stylus Pro 7900 24” roll-fed printers
Epson Stylus Pro 9900 44” roll-fed printer 
Epson Stylus Pro 11880 64″ roll-fed printer

Traditional Print Media Facility
2 - Takach-Garfield Presses, Bed Size 42x72” and 34x57”
AB Dick Offset Press
Stienmesse and Stolberg Flatbed Offset Press 26x34"
Inventory of Lithographic Stones up to 24x40”
4 - Large sets of Viscosity Inking Rollers
6 - Large Diameter Inking Rollers
Large assortment of Hand Brayers and Rollers
NU-ARC Plate-Exposing Unit 30x40” Silkscreen Stations
Silkscreen Exposing Unit 36x48"
2 - Large etching bath sinks 42x68"

Iris Printer

Epson Printers

Silk Screen Room

Large Glass Inking Tables

NuArc Exposing Unit

AB Dick Offset Press

Etching Presses

Litho Presses

Plate Cutter and Litho Stones

Large Ink Rollers

Video Studio

Apple Final Cut Pro/Compressor/Motion
Adobe Creative Suite Master Collection CS6
Max/MSP Jitter 6
MacPro Dual Six-core Intel workstations with 27″ monitors
Sandin video synthesizer
Dave Jones Design Video Frame Buffer
Dave Jones Design Proc Amp
Time base correctors – ForA, Hotronics
Alesis Midiverb
Hotronics BSG-50 sync generator
Videonics MX Pro DV mixer
Techtronics Waveform Monitor and Vectorscope
RME Multiface II 96k24b, 8×8 analog I/O, digital I/O DSP PCIe audio interface
Monitor Audio Silver RX2 studio monitors
Tannoy Reveal nearfield monitors
Tascam tape deck
Sony PVM 2950 26” monitors
Ocean Matrix OMX-7 video distribution amplifier
David Jones MVIP Digital Video Image Processors
Panasonic HMX100 HD SDI Video Mixer
2- Canon XF105 HD SDI studio cameras
BlackMagic Design HyperDeck Studio Pro ProRes studio file recorder
HDV, DV, and SVHS decks
Diskmaker/Primera CD/DVD duplicator/printer
Blu-ray authoring, burning, and playback
Sony 40″ and 46″LCD flat panel displays
Western Digital Media Players
Canon EOS 5D Mark II DSLR cameras
Sherwood Newcastle 5.1 Surround Sound System

Video Studio Analog Equipment

Eights Video Display System

Sandin Video Image Processor

Commodore Amiga Computer and Panisonic AG-HMX100 HD Video Mixer

Sonic Arts Studio

Mac OS X Dual Six-core Intel MacPro workstations with 27″ monitor
RME Multiface II 96k24b, 8×8 analog I/O, digital I/O DSP audio interface
Surround Amplifier
Doepfer – analog synthesizer :
Basic system, Ring Modulator, Frequency Shifter,
Vocoder Envelope Follower and Light to Control Voltage modules
E-MU Sampler
Alesis Midiverb
Rane Parametric Equalizer
ART 31 Band Equalizer
Sony VP-88 Stereo Mic.
Mackie VLZ-1642 Pro 16-Channel Mixer
Mackie VLZ-1202 Pro 12-Channel Mixer
Software: Logic, SoundTrack Pro, GRM Tools ST, Pluggo
28 Channel Soundcraft Mixer


Sound Processing Equipment Available in Sound Studio

Sound Studio Space

Interactive Digital Studio (IDS)

  • 4 Mac OS X Dual Six-core Intel MacPro workstations, each with 27″ monitor
  • Extended desktops for 3 workstations, using 40" LCD monitors.
  • 2 MacMini computers for off-site installations (more available in equipment cage)
  • Arduinos and various Arduino shields (ethernet, xbee, etc.)
  • 1 Soldering Workstation
  • Miscellaneous tools and electronic parts for circuit-building and circuit-bending
  • Miscellaneous sensors (light, vibration, pressure, temperature, sound-mics, etc)
  • Miscellaneous actuators (motors, speakers, lights, etc)
  • Miscellaneous audio: speakers (various sizes), mp3 players, and T-Amps.
  • Animation/Copy Stand 
  • Dragon Frame Stop-Motion Animation Hardware/Software system
  • Unity 3D multimedia software
  • Screen capturing/recording with "Ninja 2" HDMI digital production recorder
  • Adobe software: Photoshop, AfterEffects, Premiere, Audition, Dreamweaver,etc.
  • Max/MSP/Jitter version 6, including Computer Vision and Kinect libraries 
  • Processing software IDE, including various code libraries
  • Arduino software IDE, including various code libraries
  • 3 Kinect computer vision units
  • 4 Unibrain Firewire cameras for computer vision analysis
  • "GeoWall" Polarizing 3D Stereoscopic Video and Visualization System
  • 2nd "GeoWall" system with HD polarizing screen (in storage)
  • 3 large, HD, portable and freestanding projection screens (each folds into its own wheeled case)
  • Surround-Sound 5.1 Amplifier
  • 16-channel Soundcraft Mixer
  • HD Projector (mounted on cieling)
  • Portable projectors for off-site installations are available in equipment cage.
  • Touch-screen monitor (approximately 48-inch), freestanding and moveable (mounted on single-column, rolling stand)
  • Clip-lamps and one studio lamp to supplement the array of permanent focused lighting fixtures (spots and floods) around perimeter of studio
  • Cieling-suspended aluminum grid for mounting additional lights, props, cameras, etc.

Interactive Digital Studio (partial view) 

Interactive Digital Studio, including "GeoWall" Stereoscopic System

IDS Soldering Workstation

IDS Animation with DragonFrame System

Graphic Design Studio

Mac OS X Dual Six-core Intel MacPro workstations with 27″ monitor
Creative Suite CS6 Master Collection
Flat bed scanners
Photo UV lighting station and copy stand
DSLR cameras, tripods
Digital projectors
Surround sound speakers and amplifier
Wacom tablets and stylus
Mounting and prototype worktables
Flat files

Epson Stylus Pro 7900 24” roll-fed printers (quantity 3)
Epson Stylus Pro 9900 44” roll-fed printer 
Epson Stylus Pro 11880 64″ roll-fed printer
Epilog Legend 36EXT Laser etcher/cutter
Toshiba color duplex copier, printer, binder
Elite laser printers (quantity 2)

Visiting designers Allister Klingensmith and Sarah Burns critique senior design thesis projects.

Ian St. Pierre and Judy Livingston working in the Graphic Design Studio.

Chris Lange working in the Expanded Media Center Lab.

Computer Labs

A visiting professor from China shows his large-scale print work to visiting artists LoVid

Center Computer Lab

East Computer Lab

Smart Wall Media Showcase

SMART Technologies 72” interactive rear projection SMART board
1024 x 768 DLP projector
Mac Mini Intel Systems for media display with 27″ monitors
8-channel 27″ digital display
NAD stereo amp and Bose speakers
Dave Jones Design MUX 8×16 video switching matrix, 8 input 16 output
Dave Jones Design DVDplay 3 channel synchronizer
Pioneer V7400 industrial DVD players for use with the DVDplay synchronizer
Two 80" 4k capability flat screen monitors
Eights Video Work on Display During Senior Shows 

Eights Video Work By Undergrad Jackson Hoose

Senior Show Piece By Undergrad Tiffany Joy Butler

IEA Visiting Artist Andrew Erdos Installing Work

IEA Visiting Artist Andrew Erdos Installing Work

Interactive Smart Wall Piece By Grad Ying Miao

70" 4k flat screen monitors in the Smart Wall lobby for displaying student work.