Congratulations to Professor Andrew Deutsch for his Exhibition at the Burchfield Penny Art Center!

The biggest collection of Expanded Media Professor Andrew Deutsch's sculptures, sound art and videos ever exhibited will be on view at the Burchfield Penny Art Center in Buffalo, NY. Here is a description of the exhibit along with some images of the show during installation. The exhibit is up until July 24, 2016. If you're in the area please stop by and check out his amazing work!


On View Friday, April 8–Sunday, July 24, 2016
Object as Energy Point is an evolving and growing piece which started in 1995 – it began with a 12 x 6 inch wooden box. Created by artist Andrew Deutsch, every object in the show is a loudspeaker, a transducer, or a metaphor for a speaker. It incorporates ceramic glazed elements as metaphors for "klangfarben" and their arrangement as "klangfarbenmelodie" (tone color and tone color melody).
The installation extends beyond a symphonic-sculptural speaker display to include videos or "Electro-dynamic Drawings". The projected visual content is generated by a process in which sound is the source for the image (this is known as audio reactive art). The result is a visual electronic landscape, generated by and inter-modulated with sound. 

Congratulation to Yasmina Chavez on her MFA Exhibition!

Here are some images from EIA graduate Yasmina Chavez' MFA exhibition from the opening that took place this past Saturday, April 9th.

Yasmina Chavez documenting her performance piece.

Pictures from the Chronodrift Alfred Alumni Print Media Exhibition- Portland Oregon

Faculty members Joseph Scheer, William Contino and Myles Calvert, exhibited their work and the work of over 60 alumni and 12 current students at the Lumber Room in Portland, OR. Here are some images from this amazing show!

Connecting to the Community Through Design.

Professor Judy Livingston's junior-level Graphic Design Systems studio is currently working with Foodlink, the Rochester and Finger Lakes regional food hub. The project includes designing a new logo and a new visual identity system. As part of the project, the class designed a poster promoting the mission and vision of Foodlink. The poster project was shared with senior design students at Rowan University in Glassboro, New Jersey. 

Design students presented their new Foodlink visual identity designs to Terra Keller, Chief of Staff, Foodlink. The visual identity systems include logos, packaging, website landing pages, brochures, and posters. The posters, currently on view in the School of Art and Design lobby, will also be exhibited at Rowan University in the Fall. 

Artist Multiples

Professor Kathy Vajda's print class uses our digital print lab laser cutter to create artist multiples out of prints.

New Polymer Plate Exposing and Developing Unit!

Printshop lab technician Timothy Pauszek test out our new polymer plate exposing and developing unit.

Book Binding Chronodrift Exhibition Catalogue

Graduate student Aodi Liang demos our new book binding machine with the Chronodrift exhibition catalogues.

Here is the video of the demo via our Expanded Media Facebook page: