Gary Hill in Beijing Media Art Biennale : Around & About

Beijing Media Art Biennale BMAB - "Ethics of Technology"
北京媒體藝術雙年展 -“技術倫理”

BMAB Talk:
"Around & About"
Gary Hill

Professor Gary Hill participated and will give a talk in Beijing Media Art Biennale on Sep.29th, organized by Professor Xiaowen Chen, Professor Fei Jun and other professors and staffs.

Poster of Gary Hill's Talk
Old Chinese version of Gary Hill's book
"Up against Down" Gary Hill in CAFA
New work "Self" Gary Hill in CAFA
(photos from Internet / 照片來源網絡)

Beijing Media Art Biennale "BMAB" -- "Inferno" Participative robotic art performance

Beijing Media Art Biennale "BMAB" --- "Ethics of Technology"
北京媒體藝術雙年展 -技術倫理

Beijing Media Art Biennale "BMAB" --- "Ethics of Technology" opened yesterday.
The participative robotic art performance "Inferno" was a installation to let people interact/dance with robots.

Thousands of people participated in the show and Professor Xiaowen Chen had the chance to DANCE too.

( Photos from Internet / 照片來源網絡)

International Academic Printmaking Alliance was LAUNCHED

International Academic Printmaking Alliance was launched, and Professor Joseph SCHEER was elected to be the Vice President.

Congratulations Joe.
1st International Academic Printmaking Alliance : President, Vice President, Secretary-General, Specialists Committee
President Huaxiang Wang, Vice President Prof. Joseph Scheer, Jianwen Guo
主席王华祥、副主席约瑟夫 · 舍尔、郭鉴文合影

Specialists from different countries attended the meeting, shared experience and conducted good discussion on developing international printmaking. 

( Photos all from Internet / 圖片均來源於網絡)

A GREAT SUCCESS --- The 1st International Academic Printmaking Alliance Invitational Exhibition Opening Ceremony

The 1st International Academic Printmaking Alliance Invitational Exhibition Opening Ceremony on September 25th (Beijing) was successful. Lots of artists from different countries gathered at the ceremony to celebrate the rapid development of the world of printmaking.

Our beloved Professor Joseph SCHEER and Xiaowen CHEN joint the wonderful meeting.
Congratulations !!!!

The Imperial Ancestral Temple in BEIJING / 太廟 北京
The Imperial Ancestral Temple, Ancestral Hall or Taimiao (simplified Chinese: 太庙; traditional Chinese: 太廟; pinyin: Tàimiào) of Beijing, is a historic site in the Imperial City, just outside the Forbidden City, where during both the Ming and Qing Dynasties, sacrificial ceremonies were held on the most important festival occasions in honor of the imperial family's ancestors.

Group photos

Joe and Xiaowen

During the meeting (Joe)
There are great shows and demos during the opening. 

Exhibitons / 展覽現場
Chinese Traditional Printmaking Technic Demos / 傳統雕版演示
Xu Bing / 徐冰

Lots of great works from Alfred University

Joe with Moths

And of course, great meal with great people. 

( Part of the photos from Internet / 部分照片來源於網絡)
Thanks for Joe's great informations and photos

The 1st International Academic Printmaking Alliance Invitational Exhibition
2016.9.25 - 2016.10.10

Beijing China / 中國 北京

The 1st International Academic Printmaking Alliance Invitational Exhibition

The 1st International Academic Printmaking Alliance Founding Ceremony & Seminar
2016.9.25 / 1400-1700

The 1st International Academic Printmaking Alliance Invitational Exhibition
2016.9.25 - 2016.10.10

Beijing China /中國 北京

The 1st International Academic Printmaking Alliance Founding Ceremony & Seminar and The 1st International Academic Printmaking Alliance Invitational Exhibition will be held in September 25th in Beijing. Alfred University IEA works will be involved in the exhibition and Professor Joseph SCHEER will be the panelist and speaking at the exhibitions. 

Open Screening 2016 Spring

2016 Fall Open Screening is around the corner.
Let's review some good works in 2016 Spring Open Screening in Holmes Auditorium. !!

Face's by Isaiah

Finding Paradise
Ladia Guerra

Dylan Muller

Devin Henry

Professor Joseph Scheer in Australia

During August 2016, Professor Joseph Scheer paid a visit to Australia. Workshops, communications and exhibitions were successfully held during the trip.

 1. Demo in Queensland College of Art

Queensland College of Art

 2. Expanding Print Media
17 Aug - 24 Aug


Expanding Print Media Exhibition

Joe with Moths

 3. Panda Demo