Jessica Earle - In The End We All Will Be Trees 2017 MFA Thesis Exhibition Electronic Integrated Arts

Jessica Earle
2017 MFA Thesis Exhibition     Electronic Integrated Arts
April 29th - May 2nd

In The End We All Will Be Trees
Cuddle Face
Multichannel immersive video on loop
projectors, 40 inch LCD monitor, iPhone 4
LED bluetooth speaker, Green rug and green "poofs"
The western landscape has sparked the imagination of writers, musicians, and artists since the first Europeans left their footprints in the bush. Explorers, cowboys, and prospectors have left their mark on the land and in the imaginations of those of that have followed them. The vastness, danger, and resources are even today something to be tamed, tested, and used. Young men cut their teeth on the wilderness, and grizzled, leathery, graybeards continue to prove their worth through domination over peaks, and beasts alike. These adventurers lust after the sublime: that fear and awesomeness that makes you quake in your boots, and knocks the breath out of your lungs with force of an avalanche.

Human Condition WF
Multichannel video on loop
Projector, 2015 MacBook Pro, iPad Pro 9.7, iPhone SE in selfie stick
1st Generation iPad, iPhone 4 USB fan
Silk screen on digital print and cellphone
What if we were seduced into something more intimate than such needs for dominance over the land? John Muir recognized rocks, sequoias, and streams as kin; and Henry David Thoreau lost himself in the woods in order to find himself. Instead of lusting for an enormous sublime what if we fell into the minutia by sinking into the dirt, sending roots into the darkness, and absorbing the past buried beneath it  while watching the patterns of light change on the ferns or moss.

2 Girls in Hiking Boots
23 Channel video and sculpture collaboration between myself and Morgan Rose Free.
Fosdick-Nelson + Robert C. Turner + Snodgrass Gallery
School of Art and Design
NYSCC at Alfred University
2 Pine Street, Alfred, NY 14802

Opening Reception: Saturday • April 29th • 7:00pm - 9:00pm

Gallery Hours : 
Tuesday - Friday: 12pm - 5pm

Saturday: 12pm - 2pm

Michael Haleta - 3c [Combinatorics, Cybernetics, Crystallography] 2017 MFA Thesis Exhibition Electronic Integrated Arts

Michael Haleta
2017 MFA Thesis Exhibition     Electronic Integrated Arts
April 22nd - 25th

3c [Combinatorics, Cybernetics, Crystallography]
Laser cut particle wood, pencil, rulers, Epilog Laser Cutter 45 Watt
In 1953 the term “3C” which stood for "Compulsory", "Capacity", and "Conflict" was given to one of the original minicomputer companies (DDPs: Digital Data Processors) by the name of Computer Control Company, Inc. I have switched the 3 “C’s” to represent “cybernetics”, “combinatorics” and “crystallography” to link my current work to the processing and control systems found in early computers. My research is situated at the nexus of optical art, cybernetics, crystallography and graphic design. The distillation of information into aesthetics derives from feedback systems, the Topkapi Scroll, combinatorics, cartography, Ukrainian pysanky and vyshyvanka grids, apophenia, and B-Movies. 

Laser cut acrylic modules, Adobe Illustrator, vectors, camera, sky, mirrors
The crystalline structures of fluorescing and phosphorescing minerals have been essential to the development of my patterning work. Through my research of these organic math-based patterns, I fuse optical art techniques with mathematics. The patterns assembled operate as "optical obstacles" for the direct stimulation of the visual cortex.

Adobe illustrator, rulers, vectors, grids, rule sets. Original Artist Proof printed on Museum Etching Paper
Works are constructed of recycled vector-based patterns or physical materials like acrylic, wood or photographs; with the aim of subtly offsetting our inherent gravitation towards symmetry and order. Each piece begins with a grid-based system formed of a simple mathematical relationship. As layers are added, the resulting configurations mutate and opportunities arise for improvisation. Each layer is stored independently and can be reused, generating an expansive framework for new pieces to grow within. As these layers are recycled, their context and effect changes.

40” by 34” by 9” 
Wood, Laser-Cut Fluorescent Acrylic Sheets, DMX Fluorescent Black Light
Using improvisation and formal programming methodologies, I aim to create visual oscillations, warping within periodic cycles and abstract compositions which can be as accessible as repeating patterns.

Adobe illustrator, rulers, vectors, grids, rule sets. Original Artist Proof printed on Museum Etching Paper

Fosdick-Nelson + Immersive Gallery
School of Art and Design
NYSCC at Alfred University
2 Pine Street, Alfred, NY 14802

Opening Reception: Saturday • April 22nd • 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Gallery Talk: April 25th • 12:00pm-1:00pm

Gallery Hours : 
Tuesday - Friday: 12pm - 5pm

Saturday: 12pm - 2pm