Silent and Live Art Auction to top off the endowment to launch the scholarship in memory of Paul “Vickers” Lyon, 2000 SOAD BFA and Senior show prizewinner.

            Vickers Gringo (Paul Daniel Lyon, 1978-2010) was a multi- media artist based in New York Citys East Village and Brooklyn.As a young graphic cartoonist in 1999, he began publishing his “70 Million Rats” series in the citys edgy music and contemporary arts magazine, The New York Waste. Eleven years later,  his first book, The Best of 70 Million Rats, was released by Zaza Graphics. He left an unfinished graphic novel called Pests: A Zombie Parable,” at his untimely death at 32.

            “Vickers,” was not only a graphic cartoonist and animator, but he was also an accomplished video artist and musician. In 1996, he founded the Avant-guard rock group The Deuce & a Quarter, and worked as its lead guitarist-vocalists-song-writer on and off until his death. His CD, titled Ten Years Under the Knife, was released in 2007, along with group videos and an interview. A new Deuce CD is still in production. For two years, Vickers was part of the two-man group The Handsome Public, which toured Iceland and the U.K. in 2008.

            “Vics” video work was a mainstay component to his frequent musical performances in New York City, at venues like Manhattans The Knitting Factory and Brooklyns Trash Bar. His own video-artist work includes the 22-minute videos, Glue Trap Lust (2000, color) and Son of Eyeball Man (2002, color), More recently, Vickers released on YouTube the experimental horror film, Attack of the Flying Head (2009, color). His video work includes his own musical scores, bizarre animations, and macabre puppetry. Vickers was also known for his acting performances in a number of other short art videos, including the recently released Radio Girl (dir. Ronni Thomas, 2010).

Work By Faculty and students will be on view Starting Friday March 27.
Live Auction will feature John Gill and Joseph Scheer as auctioneers.

Fosdick Nelson Gallery will be opened and refreshments will be served. Closing of thaumatology - Student Exhibition - Robert Turner Gallery and Brett Sroka, IEA Visiting Artists Performance - Robert Turner Gallery 7:30 Following Art Auction

Along with the art auction an exhibit of Paul's work consisting of prints and a video installation is on  display at the John Wood Studios SmartWall Gallery.