Yuanyuan Zhang - Nerve Impulses 2017 MFA Thesis Exhibition Electronic Integrated Arts

2017 MFA Thesis Exhibition     Electronic Integrated Arts
April 15th - 18th

Nerve Impulses
See You When I See You
Digital Print on Museum Etching
44 x 88"

Nerve systems play an essential role in our thinking, innovation, expression, arrangement, and movement. It collects the information from the outside world and replies by many different methods. The eyes, mouth, nose, ears, hands, feet and other parts of the human body work as input and output. Body parts are controlled by nerve systems to act or to react. When it comes to nerve impulses, they are known as electrical signals that travel along an axon. These waves of electrical activity can code information then issue orders to the body, which has various speeds in the process. From my perspective, “Nerve impulses” carries the sense of actuation, indulging, and madness but along with enthusiasm, creativity, and courage. What’s more, It is my very beginning of my every artwork. Gratefully and excitedly, I am waiting for a flash of inspiration to hit me at any time. There are similar scenes to the motions of nerves electrical waves while I am doing my art projects via the digital process. I give the order to the computer, and simultaneously it decodes the input to present something I want to see. Most of my artworks I made involved in the process of computing. Videos and digital prints, what a coincidence? They marvelously embrace the nerve impulses and the digital coding waves in a thoughtful way.


Redemption II
360° VR video

How to deal with my wandering mind and the childhood leftover? Can the congenital impulses offer help? It seems that I am able to sense the flow of energy, the communication of thoughts and the unexpectedness of touch within my body, provided that it is my unknown impulses. These pulses can be triggered at any moment consciously and unconsciously. On the one hand, they are my cells, which possess some latent memories from the sperm and egg, here they are supposed to be deliberate and sensitive like they were from many hundred years ago. On the other hand, this is a live video looping that does not obey the regulation of 100% repetition and time controls. I wish it were a never-ending story. As a naughty child, Barbie dolls, mini cars as well as kites are my valuable childhood properties, at least I used to think so. They opened a new door for me to walk in and hence, I got an entirely different view of the world. Since I was not only able to choose the distinct color and texture of the clothes for my slim Barbies, I also knew how to power my mini cars to be dynamic. I made my kites fly higher than me, since I want to be a kite runner and a dream hunter. These toys triggered the impetus to my art creation. Childhood is now far away from me, but it left the impulses and memories that light up my world. I wonder, didn’t all these childhood goods and related experiences develop into an ambiguous artistic book for a beginner finally?


Video Projection Performance

“I went to see a psychiatrist. He said, “Tell me everything.” I did, and now he’s doing my act.”---Matthew Barney


Robert C. Turner Gallery
TSI/Harland Snodgrass Gallery
School of Art and Design
NYSCC at Alfred University
2 Pine Street, Alfred, NY 14802

Opening Reception: Saturday • April 15th • 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Performance: Saturday • April 15th 7:20pm & 8:20pm

Gallery Hours : 
Tuesday - Friday: 12pm - 5pm
Saturday: 12pm - 2pm

Yu Xin - Mutualism 2017 MFA Thesis Exhibition Electronic Integrated Arts

2017 MFA Thesis Exhibition   Electronic Integrated Arts
April 8 - April 11, 2017


Mutualism Series #08
Digital Print on Museum Etching
44 x 32"

Mutualism is a very important concept which is explored through my works. In this exploration of Mutualism, there are many concepts discussed and discovered, such as animism, primitive religion and fetishism (the fetishism is not in reference to Freud’s theory about fetishism). 


4K Video

In daily life, I am inexplicably interested in some strange non-human creatures. A possible explanation for such an eccentricity, is that identified with fetishism. Accordingly,  I’m trying to search for an explanation that could explain my “eccentricity”. By connecting with the animality inside myself,  whenever I look at non-human creatures, I transferred myself into that animal. This state blurred the boundary between animal and human. The relationship becomes ambiguous. The consequence is that I’m instinctively fascinated by other creatures from the natural world. Through this process, an innate understanding of these life forms evolves.


62 x 44"
Digital Print on Museum Etching

24 x 48"
Digital Print on Museum Etching
My process evolves a rethinking of nature and society, investigating natural landscape and unnatural landscape, questioning our environment and what is natural and unnatural. These questions maybe will not have all the answers. However answers are not the most important things for me. The most important thing is the experience of the intimate relationship between myself and small living creatures that I working with. Through doing these works, there is an amplification of self perception and awareness.


 4K Video 01:30 Loop

Robert C. Turner Gallery
School of Art and Design
NYSCC at Alfred University
2 Pine Street, Alfred, NY 14802

Opening Reception: Saturday • April 8th • 7:00pm - 9:00pm

Gallery Hours : 
Tuesday - Friday: 12pm - 5pm
Saturday: 12pm - 2pm

Cahaba River Watershed Project First Prints

Cahaba River Watershed Project

First Lasercut Drypoint Prints

Scott Stephens helping Elisabeth Pellathy pull their first proof

Scott and Elisabeth discussing the line quality of the lasercut drypoint print

Cahaba River Watershed Project - A look at the natural environment and human activity

Cahaba River Watershed Project
A look at the natural environment and human activity

Panel Discussion with Scott Stephens
Elisabeth Pellathy and Lee Somers

March 30th Thursday 5:00pm

Scott Stephens

Printmaker and Professor of Art

University of Montevallo, Alabama

Elisabeth Pellathy 

Artist and Professor of New Media
University of Alabama, Birmingham

Lee Somers 

Artist and Professor of ree Dimensional Design
University of Montevallo, Alabama
www.montevallo.edu/sta -bio/lee-somers 

Presentation by Harland Snodgrass & Dedication of TSI/Harland Snodgrass Gallery

Presentation by Harland Snodgrass
Professor Emeritus of Time Media Arts
Dedication of TSI/Harland Snodgrass Gallery

March 15th 2017

Harland Snodgrass
Professor Emeritus of Time Media Arts

Glenn Zweygardt (sculpture, 1969 to 2007), Harland Snodgrass (painting and video, 1969 to 1985), and Mario Prisco (pictured in the projected image to Harland's right, painting and former dean of the School of Art and Design and for some reason I can not find his date span anywhere), Andrew Deutsch, current faculty of sonic arts
Dean Gerar Edizel is giving a opening talk of Harland's presentation
Professor Andrew Deutsch is giving a talk during Harland's presentation

Professor Peer Bode is giving a talk during Harland's presentation
Glenn Zweygardt, Harland Snodgrass and the crowds
Harland Snodgrass and Kathleen O'Connor Benzaquin

Three wides video wall of TSI/Harland Snodgrass Gallery

Two ups video wall of TSI/Harland Snodgrass Gallery
/ Photos by Aodi Liang and Devin Henry /

•••• 2017 EIA Midterm Critique ••••

2017 EIA Midterm Critique
on Mar.1st

Good works Guys

There were 4 first-year grads showing their works in the critique:
Matthew Underwood, Yueyuan Gong, Jiayi Wang, Lauren Canella

Matthew Underwood

Yueyuan Gong

Jiayi Wang

Lauren Canella

Give it up to all the amazing grads with all the amazing works !

Thanks for the attendance of all the students and faculties

Have a nice holiday !

(•photo by Aodi Liang•)