Yu Xin - Mutualism 2017 MFA Thesis Exhibition Electronic Integrated Arts

2017 MFA Thesis Exhibition   Electronic Integrated Arts
April 8 - April 11, 2017


Mutualism Series #08
Digital Print on Museum Etching
44 x 32"

Mutualism is a very important concept which is explored through my works. In this exploration of Mutualism, there are many concepts discussed and discovered, such as animism, primitive religion and fetishism (the fetishism is not in reference to Freud’s theory about fetishism). 


4K Video

In daily life, I am inexplicably interested in some strange non-human creatures. A possible explanation for such an eccentricity, is that identified with fetishism. Accordingly,  I’m trying to search for an explanation that could explain my “eccentricity”. By connecting with the animality inside myself,  whenever I look at non-human creatures, I transferred myself into that animal. This state blurred the boundary between animal and human. The relationship becomes ambiguous. The consequence is that I’m instinctively fascinated by other creatures from the natural world. Through this process, an innate understanding of these life forms evolves.


62 x 44"
Digital Print on Museum Etching

24 x 48"
Digital Print on Museum Etching
My process evolves a rethinking of nature and society, investigating natural landscape and unnatural landscape, questioning our environment and what is natural and unnatural. These questions maybe will not have all the answers. However answers are not the most important things for me. The most important thing is the experience of the intimate relationship between myself and small living creatures that I working with. Through doing these works, there is an amplification of self perception and awareness.


 4K Video 01:30 Loop

Robert C. Turner Gallery
School of Art and Design
NYSCC at Alfred University
2 Pine Street, Alfred, NY 14802

Opening Reception: Saturday • April 8th • 7:00pm - 9:00pm

Gallery Hours : 
Tuesday - Friday: 12pm - 5pm
Saturday: 12pm - 2pm